Saturday, September 06, 2008


So, the past 2 weeks have been pretty busy... I packed up my old apartment in middletown (it's amazing how much CRAP had accumulated over the past four years!!) and moved to Boston on august 31st.

This being my first big move by myself with lots of stuff (moving out of my parent's place at 17, i didn't have many "things" and was only in my first apartment in meriden for a few months, so this was the first big move with boxes and stuff) i took some random pictures...

Poor Kitty will miss her boyfriend, George, the kitty who lived in my landlord's apartment next door. They used to meow at each other through the windows...

This is moving day -- my new bedroom, on the 3rd floor of a big 7-bedroom house, with two windows for Kitty. I have since unpacked and it looks much nicer and cleaner, but you'll have to come visit me in boston if you want to see the final product...

Anyway, i'm almost a week into my newest adventure. Grad school classes started last week, my internship starts next week. I had a great job interview today for a position as a medical assistant, will hopefully get the official offer on monday and start on tuesday. My housemates are really friendly and easy-going, especially the other girl on the 3rd floor with me, Sybil, who is also starting the Boston College grad school of social work program -- we don't have any classes together, but the sw program has had some social-y events which we've been attending, good fun! I definitely like boston, but all the changes have been rough -- new home, new city, new school, new housemates, new internship, new job, new everything... It's all good and fun, but change is always rocky. But i think i've been doing pretty well, keeping busy, meeting new friends at school, getting to know the area, etc. My poor Kitty has had a harder time, though -- she spent the first two days hiding in my bed, either under my pillows or burrowed deep into my comforter... but she's been doing much better the past few days, coming out when i'm in the room, playing and purring and being cute.


Blogger Heather B. Warriner said...

Poor Kitty. I know how she feels. Moving sure does take its toll. Hang in there. Both of you.

And, remember....Jer. 29:11

10:58 PM  

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